Tag Archives: FOAMus
Sono Pro Tip: Going Deep

Even time you use too much depth a kitten dies…. or you greatly reduce your image quality and image the bed instead of the patient. Not only does it shrink the size of what you’re looking at, but it also moves your structure of interest out of the focal zone (you know the area of highest image resolution in the mid field of the ultrasound screen). Plus it adds poor quality images to the patient’s chart with your name, so don’t do it and think of the kittens.
Happy scanning everyone!
Sono Pro Tip: Distinguishing Right from Left Heart
- Descending thoracic aorta is associated with the left atrium
- Look for left ventricular outflow tract/aortic valve in left ventricle
- Tricuspid valve insertion onto septum is more apical
- Tapered right ventricle shape
- Moderator band is sometimes visible in the right ventricle
Happy scanning everyone!
SonoSave – It’s Just Sepsis
Ultrasound is a lifesaver and luckily for a recent patient I mean this literally. Thanks to the early use of ultrasound a life was saved that would have been lost. A critical diagnosis was made within 5 minutes of arrival, preventing investment of precious time in ineffective treatments or delaying definitive care and making me look real slick in the process. The patient was successfully treated and admitted to the ICU. When I walk into work the next day, I find out the patient is not only alive but sitting up in bed talking to the team! With some simple ultrasound views and less than 2 minutes, the direction of our treatment completely changed and a man lived to see his family that I doubt would have otherwise. Two minutes to save a life… that’s some good stuff and even better ultrasound! These are the moments that make medicine worth it.
That Feeling When You Walk Out of Your Shift After A Good Save Continue reading SonoSave – It’s Just Sepsis
Getting to the Point of Ultrasound Assisted Lumbar Punctures
The Case
There are a few cases I could talk about… Ultrasound guided LPs have turned out to be a surprisingly useful skill. Lucky for you, I’ve restrained myself.
The first time I heard about ultrasound guided LPs was during a spectacular yearlong ultrasound elective in medical school. I was sitting in the doctor’s pod with THE ultrasound attending of ultrasound attendings. He casually asked “Have you ever heard of ultrasound guided LPs?” Never. “Do you want to see one?” Obviously. He explained how ultrasound guided LPs follow the principle of “Measure twice. Cut once.” He spent a minute (and I mean literally just one minute) visualizing the spinal landmarks and marking them on a somewhat altered, seriously chunky patient. He proceeded to get the LP in one stick! I remember thinking he was a wizard in that moment, a wizard who uses ultrasound to elevate patient care to another level; and that I want to be the badass attending that gets LPs on obese, altered patients in one stick. I had to learn this skill… Continue reading Getting to the Point of Ultrasound Assisted Lumbar Punctures
SonoMojo Featured on Critical Care Practioner Podcast
Hey sono enthusiasts! Exciting news! SonoMojo was recently featured on Critical Care Practioner Podcast! “Episode 37: How to Make Ultrasound Easier” features myself and the SonoMojo site in an episode discussing how to make learning ultrasound easier through #FOAMed resources and strategies for learning ultrasound. I’m so thrilled about the whole experience and getting to work with fellow FOAMer Jonathan Downham. Jonathan is a class act and he’s put together a great episode! Be sure to check it out!
Life in the eFAST Lane: Sonography for Trauma (Part 2)

Figure 1 – An eFAST Rockstar in Action
How to Do I Perform an eFAST? (Continued from Part 1)
Probe position
- Probe marker towards patient’s head (longitudinal view) or towards patient’s right (transverse view).
- Place the probe just above the pubic symphysis and look for the bladder in men and both the bladder and uterus in women.
- If it’s not awkward, it’s not right and you’re not low enough.
- Once you’ve completed the longitudinal view, turn your probe 90° for the transverse view. Both views should be evaluated to avoid false positives.
Continue reading Life in the eFAST Lane: Sonography for Trauma (Part 2)
FOAMed Ultrasound Curriculum
This curriculum is entirely FOAMed based! That means that all the education provided by these links is free. These resources are from the best of the best in ultrasound, so the education is some of the highest quality available. The curriculum is broken down into sections (like cardiac or procedures) with modules containing a collection of resources for a particular scan. This is by far the most useful SonoMojo resource and my favorite part of the site, so please enjoy! And as always, feedback is welcome!
Ultrasound Basics
Orientation & Ultrasound Resources Module
- Essential iBooks & Web Resources, Intro to Bedside Ultrasound, Knobology, & Basic Physics
Intro to Bedside Ultrasound Module
- Physics, Transducers, Modes, Orientation & Resolution, & Artifacts
Focused Ultrasound Exam Modules
- Renal, Appendix,Small Bowel Obstruction, Gallbladder, Liver, Spleen, Bladder, Hernia
- eFAST, Advanced Trauma, & SUSS IT
- IVC, Carotid VTI, & Integrated Approach
- Soft Tissue Infections & Foreign Bodies
- DVT, Aorta, & IVC
- Lung, Dyspnea, & PE
- Basic Views, LV Function, Wall Motion Abnormalities, Diastology, Pericardial Tamponade, & Transesophageal Echo
- Basics, Lens Dislocation, Globe Rupture, Retinal Detachment, Vitreous Hemorrhage, Retrobulbar Hemorrhage, & Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter
- Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension (RUSH) Protocol (5 quick scans in a couple minutes for lots of answers… when time counts!)
Female Pelvic Ultrasound Module
- Basics, First Trimester, Intrauterine Pregnancy Assessment, & Transvaginal Ultrasound
- Testicular, Peritonsilar Abscess, & Thyroid
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Module
- Basics, Hips, Shoulder, Fractures, & Joint Injections
- Basics, Peds ECHO, Pyloric Stenosis, & Intussusception
Useful Ultrasound Protocols Module
- RUSH Protocol, Echo-Guided Life Support, & Focused Sonography for HIV-Associated TB (FASH) Protocol
Ultrasound Guided Procedure Modules
Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access Module
- Peripheral IVs, Central Lines, & Arterial Lines
Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks Module
- Brachial Plexus, Upper Extremity, & Lower Extremity Blocks
More Ultrasound Guided Procedures Module
- Airway, LPs, Thoracentesis, Paracentesis, & Pericardiocentesis
More Topics in Ultrasound Modules
Ultrasound in Medical Education Module
- Ultrasound in Medical Education
- Preventing Errors & Advanced Physics
SonoMojo USIG Toolbox
An Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG) is student-run ultrasound education organization. To offer student-driven ultrasound education takes a little work and some organization. To make this easier we’ve developed a “How To” guide for starting, organizing, and running a USIG. It’s based on the experience of creating a USIG from nothing and managing it at a medical school without any ultrasound in the curriculum. Learn from our experience in creating student-sponsored ultrasound education and start your own USIG to bring ultrasound to your school!
Basic USIG Components
The basic picture of a USIG is student-organized ultrasound education. This takes place in the form of:
- Hands-on ultrasound workshops
- Interest group meetings
- Independent study (using USIG provided self-study materials)
- Group practice sessions (in ultrasound practice lab hours arranged by the USIG)
- Optional but fun USIG features (USIG member of the month, Ultrasound Honors, case of the month, USIG twitter account, etc.)
The heart of the group is the hands-on teaching workshops that put ultrasound skills in the hands on the students. This uses “student mentors” to teach the hands-on components and faculty, when available, to give the lecture component of ultrasound education. The group also provides support for students interested in ultrasound. This comes in the form of creating a community, organizing curriculum integration efforts, and other features of the club (access to independent ultrasound practice, ultrasound competitions, FOAMed-based self study curriculum, etc.). More information about “Medical Student Driven Ultrasound Education” can be found in this presentation.
Starting a USIG
To start you will need student leaders. These are the people who will make ultrasound education a reality. We’ve outlined the essential components of USIG leadership below to help you get your USIG off to a strong start with a strong leadership model.
How to: Set Up USIG Leadership
After establishing your leadership, you will need to figure out ultrasound workshops. This is the most important activity of a USIG, so start working on this early! It’s going to provide your members with access to the ultrasound education that probably don’t have access to. Below you’ll find all the info you need to create hands-on ultrasound workshops.
How to: Create Ultrasound Workshops
Your also going to need a website! Having a site allows USIG students to quickly connect to USIG activities and essential info. It allows you to easily share ultrasound resources with USIG students, so you can orient them to the available ultrasound education resources and allow them easily access ultrasound learning whenever, wherever. And lastly, having a site makes your USIG more visible to students and medical school administrators. Highlighting the activities and success of your USIG and its members, and drawing attention to student interest in bedside ultrasound allows your USIG website to support efforts for ultrasound curriculum integration.
Example to check out: University of Kentucky USIG Site
You’ll also need some basic resources (like ultrasounds, money, instructors, etc.) for your USIG. Below are some helpful tips for getting the resources you need to start and maintain your USIG.
How To: Get Resources for Your USIG
Once you’ve gotten the basics elements of your USIG put together, it’s time to have some fun with it. There are lots of exciting and fun things you can do with your USIG! Like seriously cool features you can add to your USIG to make learning ultrasound even more awesome!
How To: Add Awesome Extras Your USIG
USIG Membership with Distinction & Ultrasound Honors Program
USIG Ultrasound Curriculum
When starting a new ultrasound education group, there is NO need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to curriculum! There are ton of great ultrasound education resources out there. We’ve sorted through all of them and collected the best of them into a comprehensive FOAMed-based curriculum. The SonoMojo FOAM Curriculum is broken down into learning modules by scan, so you can easily learn the scan of your choice. You can find the curriculum on our FOAMed Ultrasound Curriculum page HERE or download a copy.
Ultrasound Curriculum Integration
Making an Ultrasound Elective
There’s no need to wait for your medical school administration or course directors to provide you with ultrasound education. Not only can you create ultrasound education through your USIG, but also through forming official ultrasound electives for yourself and your fellow ultrasound students. Most medical schools allow students to create independent study electives to satisfy their specific learning interests. Simply find a faculty sponsor and submit one of the elective request template below.
First/Second Year Ultrasound Elective:
Ultrasound Elective Request Letter – Introduction to Ultrasound Elective
Fourth Year Ultrasound Electives:
Ultrasound Elective Request Letter – Advanced Ultrasound Elective (for EM students)
Ultrasound Elective Request Letter – Advanced Ultrasound Elective (for non-EM students)
Coming Soon… “How a USIG Can Promote Ultrasound Curriculum Integration” & “Collecting Data to Support Curriculum Integration”
Incorporating Ultrasound into Your Clinical Education
SonoMojo Vimeo: “Incorporating Ultrasound into Your Clinical Education at an Ultrasound Naïve Institution”
Keeping a Record of Your Scans
Demonstrate your experience by keeping a record of it. Document how many scans you’ve done and how much time you’ve put into learning ultrasound. Record these to know/document for residency applications, for ultrasound credentialing exams, or to measure your experience for your own knowledge. It’s easy. Just create a Google Form and add a link to the home screen of your mobile devices. When you complete a scan, tap the home screen icon, fill out the form (15 seconds max), and submit. Google forms will automatically log all your scans into a spread sheet and keep a record for you. The same goes for logging hours. Learn more about Google Forms HERE.
Sample: Ultrasound Scans Log & Sample: Ultrasound Hours Log
Coming Soon… “Guide: How to Incorporate Ultrasound into Your Clinical Education in an Ultrasound Naive Institution”